Saturday, November 26, 2011

Music and dancing...

We started rehearsal yesterday, with everyone still full of Thanksgiving turkey - music for 4 hours and then a read through of the script. The music sounds great - we have a very talented singing cast!

Today is mostly choreography - always very stop and go, and it takes a while to put it all together. Once everyone learns their piece though, it comes together into a nice whole. I've always found it fascinating that it's not until you can look at the whole song, that you can appreciate what's been in the mind of the choreographer since the beginning.

We did "Deck the Hall" this morning, and "The Holly and the Ivy," for the appearance of the Spirit of Christmas Past. Tori Heinlein has a beautiful young voice as the Spirit - I like this part better, already, than last year!

On lunch break now; then back in 15 minutes to stage the party at Fred & Millie's house!

Troy Siebels, Director

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